Saturday, November 20, 2010


Guatemala, October 24, 2010

Since 1994 the Frederick Crowe Institute and the Doctor Núñezimage  Library have occupied the house located on 4th Ave. 9-66, Zone 1, in downtown Guatemala City. During all this time rent has been paid while searching for something our own. Now the building we are renting is up for sale and we have the first option to buy it. As you know, both ministries are under Doulos Foundation (Fundación Doulos is legally recognized in Guatemala).

We invite you to pray and contribute so that this miracle will become a reality, and many Guatemalans of limited resources can be blessed, enabling them to complete their high school studies to go on to the university.
imageIn August the owner of the property informed us about the sale of the building, setting an initial price of $300,000 dollars, but being renters for so many years, she gave us the option to buy it at $150,000 dollars.
The Board of Directors of the Doulos Foundation met and unanimously agreed to do all possible to buy the building, inviting all our students, graduates, all our friends and donors, to participate in this great opportunity to bless the Guatemalans, knowing that the Frederick Crowe Institute, the Doctor Núñez Library, and the Doulos Foundation are a work of God. The President of the Foundation, Dr. Samuel Berberian, said that each donation, no matter how small it might be, is of great value, and that if all of us give something, we can collect the needed amount.

The building is a house, whose bedrooms are used as classrooms;image when the building is ours, we can freely modify it to better serve our students and library usage, since the 13,000 volumes need more space, also the reading room. God will provide funds through His children. A member of the Board said: “This is the opportunity of the Lord, and we need to take advantage of it with faith.”
We invite you to participate in this blessing, sending a special donation. Remember that your donation is tax deductible, whether from yourself or your company, when you send it to CMM. Be sure to include your name or your company’s name so the receipt will be filled out properly.

Thank you for your generous help,

imageThe Board of Doulos Foundation:
Dr. Samuel Berberian, president (theologian)
Lic. Iván Monzón, vice-president (psychologist)
Lic. Hugo Ruiz, treasurer (communications)
Martha Saint-Berberian, secretary

Heri Muñoz Vargas (civil engineer)
Dr. Sara Salazar-Pezzarossi (medical doctor)
Lic. Mario Rodríguez Morales (lawyer)
Licda. Margarita Sandoval-Rodríguez, Administrator

To form part of this blessing, you may send your donation to CMM for an income tax receipt.

CMM (Christ’s Mandate for Missions)
P.O. Box 7705
Charlotte, North Carolina 28241
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel and Martha Berberian
Apartado Postal 1602
01901, Guatemala City
(704) 225-3927 Guatemala, Central America
Remember this: … whoever sows generously, will also reap generously.
2 Cor. 9:6-7
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
Prov. 11:25 NIV

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