Monday, June 13, 2011


from Samuel Berberian, April 19, 2011
Dear beloved friends,
At the Panamerican University my contract as Dean of Theology was renewed for another five years for which I am thankful. I have some 26 teachers under my responsibility, and I am glad to see older teachers hanging in there with excellence, and some newer, younger teachers doing a fine job. My salary covers about 50% of our expenses, for which we are very thankful. And the difference comes from our prayer partners who contribute as they are able, in various parts of the world. Thank you, dear friends, for investing in Guatemala, especially for praying.

I have had unique experiences recently. For example, mid March I was contacted by Prensa Libre staff, Guatemala’s largest daily newspaper, inviting me to write a weekly column in their Sunday paper (two pages long), for their section called Opinion, on page 21. Feeling that God was guiding this, I accepted, and the first column came out March 20. It has been a blessing to receive positive comments even from total strangers, saying how the column has helped them understand, for example, about forgiveness. You can access the column by going into the web site,

Another unique experience was to participate in the 25th anniversary of the pastor of a Nazarene church way out in San Marcos, not far from Southern Mexico. Rev. Enna Giron-Ríos was my student at the Nazarene Theological Seminary almost thirty years ago, when she was single, determined to answer God’s call to enter the ministry, but having many obstacles blocking her way, including the fact that she was a woman. She founded the church 25 years ago, and raised up a solid church. She married in San Marcos and has three children. It was a joy to see her church, her family, and reme
mber her as a determined student.

I have the personal obligation to inform you on how things have advanced about the buying of our building here in downtown Guatemala City. On March 16th we were able to pay the $5,000 dollars to initiate the process with the owner of the property (thanks to donations sent from Kentucky, Kansas, Virginia, Argentina, France, California and Texas).
Also we are in the final phase of the paper work to obtain the mortgage from the bank, BanRural, with monthly payments to the bank for 20 years. In this phase we are praying and asking God to give us 10 people, organizations or churches, who can help us with $65.00 dol
lars a month, to help pay the mortgage. Three have signed up already, and three more with smaller monthly donations. Of course, God never looks down on the widows’ mite; whatever amount before the eyes of God and before our need, has an eternal value. We invite you to consider a monthly gift for one year, as a start. Let us know your decision as God guides you.

Once the building is ours, we will be enlarging the classrooms, and
eventually adding a third floor. May God bless you for being a part of this project, and personally, in a periodic way, I will be informing you of how things are, so that you, united with us in prayer, can rejoice in the faithfulness of eternal God, that until today has never failed.
For an income tax receipt, send your check to CMM, P.O. Box 7705, Charlotte, North Carolina 28241, with our name on the envelope (or inside). For a touch of humor, here’s a picture of me teaching in 1980! In a blue suit! I count it a privilege to teach and train Guatemalan leaders.

Always holding on to the hand of God, and counting on the solidarity of the people of God, we are at your service with a grateful heart. Your friend,

Dr. Samuel Berberian, founder
Frederick Crowe Institute/Doulos Foundation,
4 Av. 9-66, Zone 1, Guatemala
My cell phone: (011 502) 5202-4763

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